Papa's Library

Papa's Library Trailer

Episode Summary

Papa's library is a very special place. You never know what story Papa will find their next.

Episode Notes

Papa's library is a very special place. You never know what story Papa will find their next. Come for a walk under the wide vaulted dome of the library's great reading room into the special collection rooms, where ancient leather-bound volumes of stories lost in time, sleep inside their covers, just waiting to be read into life.

Episode Transcription

Papa's library is a very special place. You never know what story Papa will find their next. Come for a walk under the wide vaulted dome of the library's great reading room into the special collection rooms, where ancient leather bound volumes of stories lost in time, sleep inside their covers, just waiting to be read into life. Meet the special characters who live in these books. travel with them to faraway places down the hall, under your bed, across vast seas and deserts, over mountains, through time, to places you have never seen, and to places you have always been. soar above the clouds on the back of a dragon. See what a dragon sees when she looks down upon the carpet of clouds. We know who As fog, or rain, build unimaginable gadgets, bubble machines, bubble eating machines, with worker girl and worker boy who delight in nothing more than an impossible challenge. Make sure to tell Papa not to go into the strange stories room unless you want to hear a story in which everything happens upside down, or backwards or inside out, or some other weird, unexpected way. Come to the library with your ears wide open. Papa will describe the pictures where there are pictures, but let the words in the stories paint pictures for you. As you listen